Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Chiaroscuro - In class excercises

I'm not really sure what week I did these in order exactly, but here are some of the in-class excercises we've been doing from a still life bust of all sorts. Some drapery work, optical method block-ins from a live model. I've learned so much from this class this semester, lots of different drawing approaches, lots of great constructive feedback from Sadie and really learning through the other students in class. I am truly proud of my progress and improvement... and really just learning to perceive things much more clearly.

This was from a live model, the approach to drawing is to first block-in with very light lines and to find the longest angles in relation to the other parts... all the different angles in the lines.

Then you look for the dark and light shadows and start to mold the drawing :_)

My favorite drawing this semester :-)

Studying the perspective of the face, rib-cage, and hips... there is a natural flow and rhythm to the human body, and once you get the gesture correctly - it makes for a good drawing, because then it will look highly believable, rather than a figure suspended in air that looks fake I think.

Drapery studies...

Working on composition...

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