Thursday, December 17, 2009

Leonardo Da Vinci Drapery - Take 2

I decided to redo this assignment not only to improve my grade for the first one I did, but I really did start seeing more this second time around. I re-submitted it to Sadie the other day and got some really positive feedback. This time around my block-in and structure was really strong and the quality of my work is starting to improve. I started seeing how all the different parts started connecting with each other and as my block-in was stronger this time around and my proportion well improved - the time I spent drawing was well worth. I was having issues early in the semester with having more control with using the charcoal, it is very challenging! First of all its messy, but also there is also a technique to using it. Very valuable lessons I learned this semester, and also the paper quality makes the charcoal stick so that it doesn't rub or smudge off. This has been the hardest assignment for me to do this semester, very challenging but I emerged from it with a deeper understanding of how the parts relate to one another. Most importantly, embracing the process of doing and allowing it to unfold into something truly magnificent to look at. That was a big lesson I was learning all semester, all great work take time and patience to do... rather than rushing through and producing crappy work... I'm finally learning the virtue of patience in doing my work - but also being patient with myself. It's a must if we want to improve as artists. I definitely will say I spent about 20 hours on this from last week till this tuesday working on this and it's still not done! But that's ok, I'm a little bit more motivated to finish this now that I'm off to a really good start, it actually for once is starting to become kinda fun! Lol.

Link to notes:

After 20 hours of work... it's starting to look a little more refined, but I think another 6-10 hours should finish this up!

After 12 hours of work... molding and shaping

After 3 hours of work... block-in and shading

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